Friday, 13 December 2013

sn0wbreeze 2.9.10

This is not a latest version of sn0wbreeze, this below content only related for sn0wbreeze 2.9.10 version.
This is the latest version of sn0wbreeze 2.9.14, this version adding support i0S 6.1.2 jailbreak.
From the beginning to till, sn0wbreeze is supporting A4 devices and Windows platform. If you are using Mac version, you can get help from Pwange tool. The pwange tool and sn0wbreeze has same jailbreak process. This both jailbreak tools are jailbreak your device by creating IPSW files.

What is new in 2.9.10?
·  2.9.10: Added Apple TV 2 iOS 5.2 sandbox fix. (thanks @nitoTV!)
·  2.9.10: Added iOS 6.1.2 support for 3GS/A4 devices (as usual).
·  2.9.9: Fixed issue with device not showing up in iTunes/xcode.
·  2.9.9: Fixed bug when building iPhone3,2 (iPhone 4 GSM-Rev2) IPSW.
·  2.9.9: Apple TV 2 bug fixes.
·  2.9.9: Now adds evasi0n untether directly to Cydia (for future updates).
·  Added 5.2/6.0.x/6.1 untethers provided by evad3rs
·  Added iOS 6.1 support for iPhone 3GS, and A4 devices.
·  Fixed Hacktivation issues on 6.0.x.
·  Fixed some iFaith mode bugs.

Support devices for sn0wbreeze 2.9.10
iPhone 4 GSM / CDMA
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 3G
iPod Touch 4
iPod Touch 3
iPod Touch 2G
iPad 1
Apple TV 2 (iOS 5.2 support)

How to jailbreak, using sn0wbreeze 2.9.10

Thursday, 28 November 2013

sn0wbreeze 2.9.13

Sn0wbreeze is the safest and most popular tool among the jailbreak lovers. The developer of sn0wbreeze has updated his version again to 2.9.14. This is the latest version of a tool. Below content only for sn0wbreeze 2.9.13 
After release sn0wbreeze 2.9.12 version, after a couple of hours later sn0wbreeze developer updates his version to 2.9.13 
Because he has identify some errors on sn0wbreeze 2.9.12 version. So don't download sn0wbreeze 2.9.12. It is not available at this moment. .instead of sn0wbreeze 2.9.12 version download 2.9.13. Because it has more bugs fix. 
Support devices
iPhone 4
iPhone 3GS
iPhone Touch 4G
Support iOS versions
iOS 3.1.3
iOS 3.2.x
iOS 4.0.x
iOS 4.1
iOS 4.2.1 to 4.2.8
iOS 4.3 to 4.3.3
iOS 4.4.3
iOS 4.4.4
iOS 5.0.1
iOS 5.0.2
iOS 5.1.1
iOS 5.2
iOS 6.0.x
iOS 6.1
iOS 6.1.2

Download sn0wbreeze 2.9.13

Monday, 14 October 2013

sn0wbreeze for Mac support

On these days, most of the snowbreeze revenue web sites are publishing snowbreeze release for Mac.Is this true or fake message?
Actually, this is 50% true and 50%fake. Most of the web sites are like to increase traffic. On these times, they are publishing like these posts for increase web site traffic. 
Actually, snowbreeze still not added support for Mac users. However, you know snowbreeze jailbreak process. Most of the jailbreak tools are asking backup all the data before the start jailbreak process, but snowbreeze has owned way to jailbreak it.  It means snowbreeze jailbreak your device by creating IPSW. With those IPSW, you can have a jailbreak your device in a current state. 
Snowbreeze jailbreak process is very similar to Pwnage jailbreak tools. Pwnage Tools is also the jailbreak the device creating IPSW. The Pwnage tool is supporting for Mac users.  That it is why most of the jailbreak tools are publishing snowbreeze is supporting Mac users. 
If you are Mac user, now you can get help from Pwnage tool to jailbreak your device.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

snowbreeze 2.9.15 for iOS 6.1.4


Sn0wbreeze release 2.9.15 version for iPhone 5

Most of the websites publishing through their sites iOS 6.1.4 can be a jailbreak

There is not any true about it. According to Apple, iOS 6.1.3 is the latest version, but for iPhone 5 iOS 6.1.4 is the latest. However, unfortunately, it could not jailbreak and all the jailbreak developers working on it. 
At present, time, there is gossip iOS 6.1.4 and 6.1.3 can jailbreak with snowbreeze new release. Snowbreeze latest version is 2.9.15 
Once snowbreeze 2.9.15 added support for iOS 6.1.4 jailbreak, I will confirm.

By the way, at this time you can be a jailbreak your device through snowbreeze 2.9.14 as iOS 6.1.3