Thursday, 5 September 2013

snowbreeze 2.9.15 for iOS 6.1.4


Sn0wbreeze release 2.9.15 version for iPhone 5

Most of the websites publishing through their sites iOS 6.1.4 can be a jailbreak

There is not any true about it. According to Apple, iOS 6.1.3 is the latest version, but for iPhone 5 iOS 6.1.4 is the latest. However, unfortunately, it could not jailbreak and all the jailbreak developers working on it. 
At present, time, there is gossip iOS 6.1.4 and 6.1.3 can jailbreak with snowbreeze new release. Snowbreeze latest version is 2.9.15 
Once snowbreeze 2.9.15 added support for iOS 6.1.4 jailbreak, I will confirm.

By the way, at this time you can be a jailbreak your device through snowbreeze 2.9.14 as iOS 6.1.3